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Marine Diesel Generator (68 - 412KVA)

50~150KW H Series Marine Gen-set The H series marine marathon generator set was developed by Shanghai New Power Automotive Technology Co. using the H series marine diesel engine to power the brushless excitation generator components. This gen-set is reliable, compact, and highly efficient. Marine generator sets are specially developed to provide power to electrical systems on marine vessels like tug boats, fishing boats, and ferries.

The main technical parameters
Gen-set model Gen-set Rated output Gen-set Standby output Engine model Generator model Rated current Fuel consumption/g/kw.h Overall dimension/mm Weight/kg
D50S3GC 50 62.5 55 68.8 SC4H95CF2 MP-H-50-4 90A ≤204 1618*766*1160 849
D50S3SC 50 62.5 55 68.8 SC4H95CF2 SB-HW4.D-50 90A ≤204 1618*766*1160 843
D64S3GC 64 80 70 87.5 SC4H115CF2 MP-H-64-4 115A ≤204 1651*766*1160 887
D64S3SC 64 80 70 87.5 SC4H115CF2 SB-HW4.D-64 115A ≤204 1663*766*1160 938
D80S3GC 80 100 88 110 SC4H160CF2 MP-H-90-4 144A ≤198 1748*766*1160 1064
D80S3SC 80 100 88 110 SC4H160CF2 SB-HW4.D-80 144A ≤198 1708*766*1160 1059
D90S3GC 90 112.5 100 125 SC4H160CF2 MP-H-90-4 162A ≤198 1748*766*1160 1064
D90S3SC 90 112.5 100 125 SC4H160CF2 SB-HW4.D-90 162A ≤198 1750*766*1160 1102
D100S3GC 100 125 110 137.5 SC4H180CF2 MP-H-100-4 180A ≤198 1757*766*1160 1080
D100S3SC 100 125 110 137.5 SC4H180CF2 SB-HW4.D-100 180A ≤198 1780*766*1160 1140
D120S3GC 120 150 132 165 SC7H230CF2 MP-H-120-4 217A ≤195 1988*785*1312 1385
D120S3SC 120 150 132 165 SC7H230CF2 SB-HW4.D-120 217A ≤195 2053*785*1312 1323
D150S3GC 150 187.5 165 206.3 SC7H250CF2 MP-H-150-4 271A ≤195 1988*785*1312 1445
D150S3SC 150 187.5 165 206.3 SC7H250CF2 SB-HW4.D-150 271A ≤195 2023*785*1312 1390

* The above parameters are for reference only and subject to change without prior notice.

Unit Outline and installation dimensions:
The outline and installation dimensions table
Gen-set model A B D E F H H1 G P N K
D50S3GC 1618 1470 545 1160 620 1160 410 766 150 4 24
D50S3SC 1618 1470 545 1160 620 1160 407 766 150 4 24
D64S3GC 1651 1470 545 1160 620 1160 410 766 150 4 24
D64S3SC 1663 1470 605 1160 680 1160 407 766 150 4 24
D80S3GC 1748 1600 545 1160 620 1160 410 766 150 4 24
D80S3SC 1708 1470 605 1160 680 1160 407 766 150 4 24
D90S3GC 1748 1600 545 1160 620 1160 410 766 150 4 24
D90S3SC 1750 1590 605 1160 680 1160 407 766 150 4 24
D100S3GC 1757 1600 545 1160 620 1160 410 766 150 4 24
D100S3SC 1780 1590 605 1160 680 1160 407 766 150 4 24
D120S3GC 1988 1840 655 1300 730 1312 442 785 200 4 24
D120S3SC 2053 1880 655 1300 730 1312 442 785 200 4 24
D150S3GC 1988 1840 655 1300 730 1312 442 785 200 4 24
D150S3SC 2023 1880 655 1300 730 1312 442 785 200 4 24

*The above dimensions are for reference only, subject to change without notice.

The main electrical performance
(Voltage) (Frequency)
Stable State Rate Instantaneous State Rate Stable Time Fluctuation Rate Stable State Rate Instantaneous State Rate Stable Time Fluctuation Rate
±2.5% -15% +20% 1.5S ±1% 5% ±10% 5S ±0.5%
Voltage at unloaded condition will be 95~105% rated voltage

1 Conventional unit voltage 400V, frequency 50Hz, using diesel comes with the meter box.
2 The unit can be different according to the user's functional requirements, redesigned independent unit control box.
3 The unit can provide CCS ship inspection certificate, ZY fishery inspection certificate

180~300KW G Series Marine Gen-set 180~300KWG The G series marine gen-set is powered by the Shanghai New Power Automotive Technology Co. G series in-line diesel engine. Marine generators are utilized by fishing boats, ferries, and other ships to provide electrical power in sometimes harsh conditions. Durability and efficiency are key when it comes to the production of marine generator sets and that is what we provide here at SDEC.

The main technical parameters
Gen-set model Gen-set Rated output Gen-set Standby output Engine model Generator model Rated current consump Tion/g/kw.h Fuel Overall dimension/mm Weight/kg
D180S1GC 180 225 200 250 G128ZLCaf1 MP-H-180-4 325A ≤205 2542*911*1649 2520
D180S1SC 180 225 200 250 G128ZLCaf1 SB-HW4.D-180 325A ≤205 2427*911*1620 2212
D200S1GC 200 250 220 275 G128ZLCaf2 MP-H-200-4 361A ≤205 2542*911*1649 2540
D200S1SC 200 250 220 275 G128ZLCaf2 SB-HW4.D-200 361A ≤205 2475*911*1620 2277
D250S1GC 250 312.5 275 344 G128ZLCaf3 MP-H-250-4 451A ≤210 2595*911*1649 2650
D250S1SC 250 312.5 275 344 G128ZLCaf3 SB-HW4.D-250 451A ≤210 2545*911*1620 2385
D300S1GC 300 375 330 412.5 SC15G500CF2 MP-H-300-4 541A ≤210 2700*909*1629 2610
D300S1SC 300 375 330 412.5 SC15G500CF2 SB-HW4.D-300 541A ≤210 2507*987*1629 2620
Unit Outline and installation dimensions:
The outline and installation dimensions table
Gen-set model A B D E F H H1 G P N K
D180S1GC 2542 2280 725 850 785 1649 570 911 280 6 24
D180S1SC 2427 2300 694 900 794 1620 540 911 250 6 24
D200S1GC 2542 2280 725 850 785 1649 570 911 280 6 24
D200S1SC 2475 2300 694 900 794 1620 540 911 250 6 24
D250S1GC 2595 2280 725 850 785 1649 570 911 280 6 24
D250S1SC 2545 2400 694 900 794 1620 540 911 250 6 24
D300S1GC 2700 2540 694 900 794 1629 550 909 250 6 24
D300S1SC 2507 2360 850 900 950 1629 550 987 250 6 24

*The above dimensions are for reference only, subject to change without notice.

The main electrical performance
(Voltage) (Frequency)
Stable State Rate Instantaneous State Rate Stable Time Fluctuation Rate Stable State Rate Instantaneous State Rate Stable Time Fluctuation Rate
±2.5% -15% +20% 1.5S ±1% 5% ±10% 5S ±0.5%
Voltage at unloaded condition will be 95~105% rated voltage

1. Conventional unit voltage 400V, frequency 50Hz, using diesel comes with a meter box.
2. The unit can be different according to the user's functional requirements, redesigned independent unit control box.
3. The unit can provide CCS ship inspection certificates, ZY fishery inspection certificates

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